We are so overwhelmed with advertising everywhere that it becomes hard for creative marketing agencies to make ads that stand out. Guerilla advertising is a great way to make unusual, surrealistic visuals and situations that passers by will remember. Here is a selection.
1. Big Pilot’s Watches
Letting you try their watches even in the bus, a good idea to bring people at the shop.
2. Alteco Super Glue
Way to make a point about the strength of that superglue.
3. The Sopranos campaign
A bit creepy, but certainly noticeable.
4. Smart Brabus
Small but poweful, I think the message just got across the bridge.

5. National Geographic Shark Bus
Enter the shark, a cool optical illusion for this National Geographic ad on a bus.
6. Looking for Seafood
Shells at the beach, what a great idea to let wanderer explore.
7. Dental implants
Unmissable ad, I’m sure all the bowlers that went there remembered it.
8. Amnesty International
As often with Amnesty, powerful imagery to raise awareness for Human Rights.
9. Folgers Coffee Marketing Campaign
Seen in New York, how would you not go grab a coffee there?
10. 3M Security Glass
Trying to prove the quality of the product, I doubt it was real bills in there.