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For most occasions, there are invitations. In every invitation, there is an invited guest. There-in lies the subject of our discussion. You see, for every party, there are bound to be party crashers.
A prime example is wedding celebrations. There are people who come to the event without an invitation and who in fact are not even invited. These are known as the wedding crashers.
Wedding crashers are “unexpected guests” mainly because they were not invited to the event. These crashers are drawn to these occasions like moths to a flame.
So, for anyone who wishes to know how to become a wedding crasher, here are some tips that you can use.
1. Try to be a long-lost cousin or someone who is “within” the family.
In most wedding celebrations, the family is always included. In fact, most of the wedding invitations tend to be some sort of family reunions since many family members are present from out of town.
And because there are a large number of relatives present in the celebration, the bride or the groom will be less inclined to notice who you are or where you came from. This makes the “long lost cousin” strategy effective.
The above “crash technique” works particularly well when carrying a beautifully wrapped gift box with you. After all, who would question somebody who has brought such a lovely and beautifully wrapped gift with them.
Sidenote: Hope you’re finding this useful? I have always been curious about this matter. And when I found very little quality information about it, I decided to share a part of what I’ve learned about it – which is why this article came to be written. Read on.
2. Try being a staff member of the wedding caterer or wedding coordinator.
In order to be able to crash a wedding, you could always pretend to be a staff member.
In a wedding, there are lots of people being hired in the planning and preparation. So one way of crashing into the scene is to impersonate a staff member of the catering company or the flower arrangement company.
This added bonus will allow you to enjoy a very nice meal. If questioned by another guest, you could always explain that you are a friend of someone who is also at the party.
Pick the name of your choice. You can always find someone else’s name when you are being asked why you are at the party or who you are with.
This is a safe tactic if you do not feel like choosing whose side of the couple you will take in order to introduce yourself. With this strategy, you can be quite sure that with over a hundred or 200 guests in the party, not many people would even think of verifying your name or identity.
4. Dress to kill.
The best part of being a wedding crasher is to dress up a little bit in order to suit the occasion. Even if it means that you were “dressed to kill,” it would be better to dress appropriately in order to fit in the event.
After all, wedding crashing is not all about free food and wine. It can also be one way of finding that one true love.
5. Proper Timing is essential.
One of the most important things one should remember when crashing the party is to arrive very late. This is because by the time you have arrived, most guests have started drinking and socializing, to a point where their guard is down and there is no defense is relatively low.
As a result, when you arrive, most people will not notice your entrance and you may easily join the party and blend in.
Indeed, wedding crashing can fill up your social calender quite quickly if you so choose.
I hope you gained something from this article. Be sure to check for additional information online on this topic. You may drop me a quick note to share your thoughts and comments on it.
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